Stacking Shipping Containers on Land
for an Off-Axis Detector
J. Cooper, J. Kilmer, B. Wands
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510
(May 29, 2003)
Fig. 1 shows a typical International Standards Organization (ISO) Series 1
shipping container.
These containers are designed to make vertical contact with each other through
discrete corner fittings; when stacked, all vertical force is transferred through these
fittings, in turn loading the corner posts, and not the walls, of the container. The number
of containers which can be stacked on each other is determined by the strength of the
corner posts.
ISO Standard 1496
states that the corner posts of ISO Series 1 containers
should be tested to a load of 86,400 kg (190,480 lbs). This is the load applied to the posts
of the bottom container in an 8-on-1 stack of 24,000 kg (gross weight) containers,
Figure 1. ISO Series 1 Shipping Container
corner post
corner post
corner fitting